
Exercise regimen for patients with coronary artery

The leading cardiovascular confirmed, exercise endurance sports training is a method of treatment is not effective drug with coronary artery disease. Depending on the condition and health of each patient with individual exercise program.
Physiological basis of strength training in patients with coronary artery is enhanced contractile function of the heart, improves the absorption of oxygen by the heart muscle to use oxygen more savings. The strength exercises also stimulate the development of collateral circulation of the heart muscle, improve blood supply to the heart muscle.

The regular exercise will reduce the frequency circuits in general and reduce the frequency of the exercise circuit, allowing the patient raise the threshold of pain when doing the work in everyday life. It also works to lose weight, regulate blood fat, reduce atherosclerosis and risk of myocardial infarction, dilate and increase the elasticity of blood vessels in the muscle activity, reduce peripheral resistance, the consequent decrease in blood pressure (especially subjects walking fast and slow running). But it must be remembered that the last 3-4 months have regular exercise, blood pressure began down, and after 2-3 years of regular exercise, blood pressure decreased significantly new and can return to normal.

Some issues related to the treatment of cardiovascular disease

Tim we have four chambers (two atria and 2 ventricles) and 4 valve is the aortic valve, the pulmonary valve, valve and valve 2 leaves 3 leaves.
When two ventricles squeeze (systolic period), the valve 2 leaves and leaf closed valve 3, and aortic and pulmonary valve opening to push blood to the lungs and oxygen-rich blood to the cell culture. When atrial rest (diastolic), 2 aortic and pulmonary valve closure for blood does not flow back into the ventricles. We can see the valve is the "door" to open up the blood flow one way, when closed to keep blood from flowing back again.

Cardiovascular Drugs - Things to keep in mind when using

Some diseases that are found can cure and arbitrarily used as cough, cold and flu medicines, abdominal pain medication. However, not all medications can also use such discretion, especially with cardiovascular drugs are absolutely not allowed to do so voluntarily, because there can be very dangerous
Thuoc tim mach khong duoc tu y su dung
Cardiovascular drugs should not arbitrarily stop using

Cardiovascular Drugs do not stop using without your doctor

Certainly not everyone knows that the use of cardiovascular drugs is not the day one, day two, on the contrary, this is a fairly long process, possibly even a lifetime, such as the blood pressure, heart failure ...

The treatment of cardiovascular disease effectively

Cardiovascular disease is often seen include coronary heart, high blood pressure, heart failure, cardiac angina, acute myocardial infarction, etc., including coronary heart as well as arteriosclerosis phenomenon often seen in heart disease circuit. So there are ways of treating cardiovascular disease are working?
  Cardiovascular disease is the only concept of organs and tissues in the body load of human blood in it, including heart and blood vessel disease appear, generally related to arteriosclerosis. The treatment of cardiovascular disease far mainly by smoking, but current treatments using small incisions, efficient and safer than has been widely applied. This is called a treatment intervention. The biggest advantage in the treatment of cardiovascular diseaseby means of surgical intervention is not required chest, which is interference with medical devices with small incisions, shorter surgery time, just a few hours the patient can go back to bed, this method faster recovery, reduce complications, less risk.

  When heart disease should properly respected, to monitor and check periodically to control the risk factors, the most significant of which is not to be smokers, obese people to lose weight seriously strengthening exercise, treatment of cardiovascular disease when the drug is not recommended to change medications.
Cách điều trị bệnh tim hữu hiệu là phải thường xuyên kiểm tra sức khỏe định kì
Closely inspect the health of heart disease

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