
Exercise regimen for patients with coronary artery

The leading cardiovascular confirmed, exercise endurance sports training is a method of treatment is not effective drug with coronary artery disease. Depending on the condition and health of each patient with individual exercise program.
Physiological basis of strength training in patients with coronary artery is enhanced contractile function of the heart, improves the absorption of oxygen by the heart muscle to use oxygen more savings. The strength exercises also stimulate the development of collateral circulation of the heart muscle, improve blood supply to the heart muscle.

The regular exercise will reduce the frequency circuits in general and reduce the frequency of the exercise circuit, allowing the patient raise the threshold of pain when doing the work in everyday life. It also works to lose weight, regulate blood fat, reduce atherosclerosis and risk of myocardial infarction, dilate and increase the elasticity of blood vessels in the muscle activity, reduce peripheral resistance, the consequent decrease in blood pressure (especially subjects walking fast and slow running). But it must be remembered that the last 3-4 months have regular exercise, blood pressure began down, and after 2-3 years of regular exercise, blood pressure decreased significantly new and can return to normal.

Exercise program in patients with coronary artery personal, depending on the level of expression of the disease, signs of circulatory failure, blood pressure level and other factors. Patients with angina should be defined stages of the disease. If you have unstable angina (pain occurs both in a state of quiet), acute myocardial infarction, circulatory failure or 2-3 degrees above 180/100 mmHg blood pressure is not practiced.
Before performing any exercise program, the patient must be determined by the level of experience practicing labor law norms on bikes dynamometer (conducted in hospitals). Pulse frequency during walking or running should be lower than the cause chest pain, shortness of breath or palpitations is 10-12 beats / minute. For example, if on a bike dynamometer see chest pain occurs when the frequency of the circuit reaches 125 beats / min, upon exercise, the patient must be controlled for frequency circuit speed does not exceed 110-115 beats / minutes.
Effective exercise depends on exercise intensity (speed of execution). To increase the speed of walking or running, before practice, patients need to take nitroglycerin, analgesic effects of nitroglycerin lasted about 30 minutes, enough to conduct a training session.

In the endurance exercises, brisk walking is the most appropriate method for patients with coronary artery because no greater strength athlete and easy to adjust the dose movement. The first phase is 8-12 weeks, set a brisk walk, then depending on the health status can be set to switch to alternate between jogging and running small steps. Time is set for 20-30 minutes / day, 5-6 sessions / week; even time per session is about 20 minutes and improved overall health status.
If in practice appear heavy feeling in the chest, palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue or dizziness, they must slow down or stop the collective movement. If there are manifestations of angina must file and serve immediately stop nitroglycerin.
Patients can participate in the training organized group or at home in a personal program. Exercise program due to fitness experts combine medical treatment with your doctor construction. If possible, should consult a doctor specialized in sports medicine.

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