
How to care for patients recently discharged from hospital after heart surgery

How to care for patients recently discharged from hospital after heart surgery, how to care for patients after surgery After successful surgery, depending on the psychological health as well as post-surgical care and that appropriate treatment. Here's how to care for patients recently discharged from hospital after heart surgery that everyone should know how to care for yourself and your loved ones.

How to care for the patient after surgery

Back to work

Successful heart surgery is a very good thing and also affect the psychology of the patient. Many people feel quite nervous when leaving the hospital to return to his previous life. However, this is very normal expression. The first time he returned home, the health of patients is relatively weak so need the help of relatives and friends. Depending on the ability to recharge they can gradually return to daily living individuals. However, in terms of jobs, if their work before it must think more or need more energy to it's best to change that. If only a simple office work, only after 1 to 2 months, they can easily return to his job.

Absolutely comply indicated for the treatment of a doctor

Care of patients after cardiac surgery, patient care after heart surgery
Patients absolute medications only by a specialist appointed. Besides fully informed of all the medicines used before surgery including non-prescription medicines. Patients using the drug after surgery is usually adjusted anticoagulants and lipid disorders. Anticoagulants are very important because it helps to prevent blood clots forming in artificial heart valves. Van biological medication just in 2 to 4 months but have mechanical valves lifelong medication. Patients should be tested periodically for coagulation doctor determine anticoagulant dosage specific to reach the best performance. Besides, dosage adjustments drugs or aspirin, lipid disorders should also strictly adhere to instructions of your doctor.

About sex

When health is almost fully recovered, you can have sex. If you constantly walk up the stairs of 2 floors without difficulty breathing, chest tightness, fatigue, then your heart can fully meet the health requirements for sex. Note that after eating it you should not have sex right away, preferably after 3 hours digestive system can fulfill their duties. Remember to only have sex when psychological comfortable and you do not see any signs of pain in the body.

Maintaining a diet and eat sensibly

Patients forced to quit smoking after surgery because of damage to blood vessels. Limit foods that contain saturated fats. Instead, eat foods that contain fat single and multi-chain sequences in sunflower oil, olive, soybean, peanut ... Check your blood pressure regularly to appropriate diet. If blood pressure, limit salt and alcohol.

How exercise

Depending on health conditions, please choose the appropriate exercises. The regular exercise is good for the heart, besides also control blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, blood lipids ... The exercise also led the operation, recovery, especially after a long time treatment in hospital. This is the most important thing for help patients feel more confident and soon return to normal daily life.

Re-examination appointments

Usually the doctor will schedule regular follow-up of patients after surgery. However, if there are any signs of instability public health as fever, cold, sweating, shortness of breath, pain away ... the heart, you should actively seek to hospitals, department, clinic for cardiovascular disease soon to be handled promptly.
These are instructions on how to care for patients recently discharged from hospital after heart surgery, hope the above information will be helpful for you. Wish you good health after surgery.

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