
How to recognize the symptoms of heart disease

Heart disease is a very dangerous disease, high mortality and sudden. Thus, while recognizing the symptoms of heart disease patients should seek immediate medical treatment according to the instructions of the doctor.
First is the manifestation of the sudden chest pain, prolonged (approximately 15 minutes) due to the operation of the heart muscle does not supply enough blood to cause myocardial infarction patients make sense of stinging, tingling or pain, very uncomfortable.
Đau ngực là một trong những biểu hiện nhận biết triệu chứng bệnh tim.
An expression recognize the symptoms of heart disease are common dyspnoea, fatigue. The contraction of cardiac disorders affecting the lungs, causing shortness of breath, this phenomenon often occurs at night, when the hard work and stress. Also fatigue occurs when blood flow in the heart having problems affecting the cells in the body, reducing the work of the heart muscle leads to feeling weak, tired easily, especially when active; more severe cyanosis, hypotension, syncope, and increased pulmonary artery pressure, left ventricular failure ... edema and dyspnea.
Mệt mỏi và khó thở là những triệu chứng cơ bản của bệnh tim.
Finally, to recognize the symptoms of heart disease is poor with digestive symptoms such as flatulence, indigestion, enclosed feeling anxious, frustrating, annoying, .... then make sure you have heart problems.
  Recognize the symptoms of heart disease is extremely important job to be able to break out treatment, to reduce the maximum impact and risk of heart disease. Also, will help people prevent themselves by eating sensible, healthy lifestyle, not smoking, limiting alcohol use and substance to reduce risk.

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