
Some issues related to the treatment of cardiovascular disease

Tim we have four chambers (two atria and 2 ventricles) and 4 valve is the aortic valve, the pulmonary valve, valve and valve 2 leaves 3 leaves.
When two ventricles squeeze (systolic period), the valve 2 leaves and leaf closed valve 3, and aortic and pulmonary valve opening to push blood to the lungs and oxygen-rich blood to the cell culture. When atrial rest (diastolic), 2 aortic and pulmonary valve closure for blood does not flow back into the ventricles. We can see the valve is the "door" to open up the blood flow one way, when closed to keep blood from flowing back again.
When we are suffering from some disease, mainly rheumatoid arthritis can cause damage to the heart, causing heart valves thick and sticky hard, the van rolled edge, so when we do not play that remains to be closed reveal a slot gap between the edge of the valve allows blood to jet back. 3 leaves open heart valves, cardiac valve is between the right atrium and right ventricle. If the valve is open 3 leaves, the disease is called 3 leaves open the valve, and if leaking aortic valve disease aortic valve insufficiency. In patients with heart valve insufficiency often tired but depending on the level of open heavy or light, or not have complications that lead to different expressions such as shortness of breath, chest pain, cyanosis, shock, heart failure, .... When the valve is open, the ejection back (causing congestive heart), heart must work harder to push the blood stasis that go long will gradually weaken.
Regarding treatment: Huh valve in general, at the time the disease was mild, the patient no dyspnea or shortness of breath while doing mild exertion, just living in moderation, avoid overwork, eating less saline (salt water retention due to increased burden on the heart muscle), if necessary, medications as directed by your physician. In case of severe heart valve insufficiency showed signs of heart failure, patients must follow a strict regimen more. In addition to cardiac drugs, diuretics designated physician, the patient should eat light, avoid strenuous labor, living in moderation, avoid any sudden emotion ... Today, in our country Surgery heart valve insufficiency or replaced with artificial valves to solve severe cases, medical treatment is not solved.
Where are women, if married, the birth consideration. Since pregnancy is a burden for people with heart disease, so women with heart disease or pregnancy should not only lay a physician and must be monitored care during pregnancy.
The appointment of medical therapy or surgical intervention should be based on clinical physical examination by a physician and cardiologist decided.
2. ischemic heart disease:
- Ischemic heart disease caused due to clogging atherosclerosis narrowing of blood vessels that feed the heart (called the coronary arteries) leading to reduced blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle.
Expression of ischemic heart disease is often the center of the chest angina (chest or left) on exertion.
However, to correctly diagnose this disease is not simple, need to do more testing subclinical measures of stress electrocardiography, echocardiography stress ... to coronary artery imaging with contrast agents.
He did not specify his friend was diagnosed ischemic heart disease is based on the evidence, the test was done on legal yet? If not, then perhaps this diagnosis is not really accurate. You should see more of him in cardiology clinic Cho Ray Hospital for further instructions.
Patients with ischemic heart disease as a result of atherosclerosis, which is a little more aging process of the body, plus other risk factors such as smoking, diabetes, hypertension, obesity , increased fat in the blood ... so really can not cure completely. However, if we know how to reduce the risk factors (quit smoking, exercise to lose weight, eat less sugar and fat, good treatment of hypertension, diabetes, increased blood fat .. .), and good treatment of coronary artery disease (medication, angioplasty or even surgery if necessary), you can significantly slow the progression of the disease and improve the discomfort caused by the disease.
In addition, the diet of eating is considered a treatment of cardiovascular disease.
First of all need to understand the concept of abstinence of Western medicine. Folk often said that abstinence means to avoid some certain foods, such as not eating beef, snakehead fish, egg, spinach etc .. In fact, Western medicine more attention to substances in food, such as protein (meat, fish ...), fat (oil, grease ...), starches (rice, potatoes ...), fiber (vegetables), or potassium (found in grapes, bananas) etc .. Therefore, if your doctor recommends less protein diet means you have to eat meat, regardless of the type of meat or fish. If you do not eat meat but still eat a lot of fish, it does not achieve anything.
Medicine have demonstrated the influence of alcohol addiction is very bad for overall health and cardiovascular disease in particular. But for those who drink less, why? The study shows that drinking less than 60ml of pure alcohol (about 680ml of beer, whiskey 95ml, 285ml wine) per day for not adversely affect cardiovascular disease. Red wine also has a positive effect on blood cholesterol. Thus, the heart does not need absolute alcohol abstinence. But to reiterate what is the most important principle to wellness. Alcohol can not affect the heart but the stomach disease, liver disease. In addition, there is an especially heart disease called alcoholic cardiomyopathy. If you are sick, you should abstain from alcohol completely.
As tobacco is the absolute need to abstain as cardiovascular disease. Cigarettes are bad influences on disease caused by atherosclerosis, such as cerebral ischemia, myocardial ischemia. If you do not quit, you can cerebrovascular accident, myocardial infarction, heart failure ... And you necessarily have to try in every way to quit smoking once knew cardiovascular disease.
Hope the above information helps you on our part in the combined treatment effect!
Wishing you and your family happy!

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