To understand heart disease, how the work of the heart may help. The heart is a pump. It is an organ about the size of the hand and is located slightly left of center of the chest. The heart is divided into left side - guard oxygen-rich blood from mixing with oxygen and oxygen-poor blood. Oxygen-poor blood, "blue blood," returns to the heart after circulating through the body.
right side of the heart, including the right atrium and ventricle,
collect and pump blood to the lungs through the pulmonary artery. Pulmonary blood refreshed with a new supply of oxygen, makes it turn red. Oxygen-rich
blood then enters the left side of the heart, including the left atrium
and ventricle, and is pumped through the aorta to the body to give the
body tissues with oxygen and nutrients.
Four valves in the heart keep the blood moving in the right way. The tricuspid, mitral, pulmonary and aortic work like door in the fence. Only an open and only when pushed on. Each valve opens and closes once per heartbeat - or about once every second, while stationed at rest.
A beating heart contract and relax. Co-called systole, and relaxation is called diastole. During systole, the ventricle contracts and pumps blood into the pulmonary blood vessels and body. Right ventricle contract slightly before the left ventricle. The ventricles then relax during diastole and full of blood from the upper chamber, the left and right atria. Then the cycle starts all over again.
The heart also has wiring keep it beating. High
power pulse starts in the right atrium and travel through the streets
specialized to the ventricles, which provides a signal to the pump. Navigation system in a heartbeat rhythms coordinate and keep normal blood circulation. The continuous exchange of oxygen-poor blood oxygen-rich blood to the body helps to live.
The causes of heart disease vary depending on the type of heart disease.
The cause of cardiovascular disease
cardiovascular disease can refer to many different types of heart or
blood vessel problems, this term is commonly used means damage to the
heart or blood vessels of atherosclerosis, a buildup of fatty buildups
in arteries. This is a disease that affects the arteries. Arteries are blood vessels carrying oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the rest of the body. Healthy arteries flexible and powerful.
time, however, too much pressure in the arteries can make the walls
thick and stiff - sometimes restrict blood flow to organs and tissues. This process is called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the most common form of the disorder. Atherosclerosis
is the most common cause of heart disease, and it is caused by a diet
unhealthy, lack of exercise, overweight and smoking. All the major risk factors for the development and atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease.
The cause of arrhythmias
Common causes of abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias), or the condition can lead to arrhythmias include:
Heart defects at birth (congenital heart defects).
Coronary artery disease.
Excessive use of alcohol or coffee.
Drug Abuse.
Some prescription drugs, dietary supplements and herbal remedies.
Heart valves.
healthy person with a normal healthy heart, an arrhythmia fatal
developed without some external trigger, such as an electric shock, or
use illegal drugs law. Mainly because a healthy heart is free from any abnormal conditions to cause arrhythmias, perhaps an area of scar tissue.
a heart disease or deformity, the electrical impulses of the heart can
not be started or passing through the heart, causing cardiac arrhythmias
more likely to develop.
Causes of heart defects
Heart fault often develop while a baby is still in the womb. About a month after conception, the heart begins to develop. It was at the time of cardiac anomalies can start forming. The
researchers are not sure exactly what caused the error started, but
they think that some medical conditions, medications, and genetics may
play a role.
The cause of cardiomyopathy
The exact cause of cardiomyopathy, or thickening of the heart muscle expansion is unknown. There are three types of cardiomyopathy:
Dilated cardiomyopathy. This is the most common type of cardiomyopathy. In
this disorder, the main pumping chamber - the left ventricle becomes
enlarged (dilated), the ability to pump becomes stronger, and the blood
does not flow easily through the heart.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
This type involves abnormal growth or thickening of the heart muscle,
particularly affecting the heart muscle's main pumping chamber. Thick
happens, the heart tends to harden and the size of the pumping chamber
may shrink, hindering the ability of the heart to supply blood to the
Restrictive cardiomyopathy.
The heart in people with restrictive cardiomyopathy becomes harder and
less elastic, which means that the heart can not expand and fill with
blood between heartbeats. This is the most common type of cardiomyopathy and can occur without known reason.
Causes of heart inflammation
of the heart, such as pericarditis, endocarditis and myocarditis,
caused when an irritant, such as viruses, bacteria, chemicals to the
heart muscle. The most common causes of heart disease include:
Bacteria. Endocarditis can be caused by a number of bacteria in the blood. The
bacteria can enter the blood stream through daily activities, like
eating or brushing teeth, especially if you have poor oral health. Myocarditis can be caused by a bacterium transmitted by tick that is responsible for Lyme disease.
Infection of the heart can be caused by a virus, which causes a flu
(coxsackievirus B and adenovirus), parvovirus B19 rash, gastrointestinal
infections (echovirus), mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus ) and measles
(rubella). The virus is associated with sexually transmitted infections can travel to the heart muscle and cause infection.
Among these parasites can cause heart Trypanosoma cruzi infection,
toxoplasmosis, and some are transmitted by insects and can cause a
condition called Chagas.
Medications can cause allergic reactions or toxic. They include antibiotics, such as penicillin and sulfonamide drugs, as well as a number of illegal substances such as cocaine. The needles used to administer medications, illegal drugs can also transmit viruses or bacteria can infect the heart.
Other diseases.
These include lupus, connective tissue diseases, vasculitis
(inflammation of the arteries), and rare inflammatory condition, such as
Wegener's granulomatosis.
Causes of heart valve disease
There are many causes of heart valve disease. Four valves in the heart keep blood flowing in the right direction. Can
be born with heart valve disease, or the valve may be damaged by
conditions such as rheumatic fever, infection (infectious endocarditis),
connective tissue disorders, and certain drugs or procedures Radiation
therapy for cancer.
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