
Last traditional medicine treatment of anemia

 According to traditional medicine, the cause of anemia due to spleen asthenia. The disease usually manifest: Fatigue, dizziness , forgetfulness, tinnitus, insomnia , numbness of hands and feet, dry brittle hair, easy loss, women have less economic output, closing business ... One measures to support effective treatment is the use of food, medicine .  Lesson 1: Goat Meat 250g, 15g current regulations, local royal birth 15g, 10g ginger, soy sauce, salt, sugar enough. Goat meat washed, chopped, into a saucepan and mix with the position on, add water intrusion approximately boil then simmer stewed be used. 1 day to eat with rice. Use 5-7 days a course. Utility: blood tonic, increase stamina, used very good for anemia, thin, tired.


Lesson 2: Hens 1 child, rice 100g. Surgery washed chicken, stewed get juice. Cook rice porridge with chicken broth, boil thoroughly cooked to fire, then simmer for smooth jelly. Usage: Day two breakfast eat dinner, eat hot. Use 3-5 days. Application: blood tonic, for the case of debilitating anemia.
Lesson 3: Advanced 500g pork broth, washed, cut into cubes; Crucian carp scales 100g removed, leaving organs, washed, aspects; 100g of rice, a little white pepper, cooked up the porridge, do not add salt. Eating frequently will cure anemia, headache.
Lesson 4: the black fungus 30g, 30 jujube fruit, brown sugar enough. Mushrooms soaked in water for 30 minutes, pour into a saucepan along with jujube, cook and stir the sugar into it. 1 time per day eating, eat for 10 days straight.
Black fungus

  Lesson 5: Strawberry ripe soaked with sugar (or honey), mixed drinks in the evening before bedtime. Use regular good for anemia, insomnia .
Lesson 6: Quail two children, 50g imperial period, the Party ginseng 50g, 50g skeptical paint. Quail feather cleaning, gutting, the imperial period in the same pot, dark party, nostalgic painting medium pour water, stew meat, quail jelly, seasoning to taste. Every day eat 1 time. Use 5-7 days a course. Use good for anemia, a new sick man up.
Lesson 7: Fresh spinach 200g (leave the roots), 150g pork liver. Wash the spinach, cut into sections; washed pig liver sliced ​​thin. Boil water for a few slices of fresh ginger and spices, then the pig liver and spinach on, continue to boil for liver is cooked. Can be used as a watch in the diet. Use a 1-week course. Utility: nourishing blood tonic, good use for anemia due to iron deficiency, make the skin become ruddy, healthy.

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