Heart Attack Causes initial heart attack is caused by plaque (platelet deposition) in the arterial wall increases, causing blood flow obstruction. And when the heart muscle ischemia will make cardiac arrest, heart attacks arise suddenly.
- Treatment: If a blocked artery, the heart muscle as long as there is the risk of serious injury, so the need to seek medical treatment and timely. Usually, people take aspirin to prevent platelet deposition against blockages. In addition to the drug may have surgery to widen narrowed blood vessels.
Angina: This is the common symptoms as chest pain caused by heart is not getting enough blood and oxygen, the early signs of heart disease.
- Treatment: Use nitroglycerin when chest pain, this medicine works widening blood vessels to increase the amount of oxygen taken to heart. Also used other drugs such as beta blockers to decrease the heart rate and reduce the demand for oxygen and blood.
Stroke: Like a sudden heart attack, stroke occurs when an artery is blocked, oxygen and blood supply to the brain slows down, people are called hemorrhagic stroke and other types called ischemic stroke. All of these symptoms are rooted in the heart. If all the brain cells of oxygen starve long it may be brain dead and crippled brain functions, ultimately causing destruction of the entire brain. Therefore designated target blood clot drug treatment must be conducted early in the first 3 hours of reperfusion to help faster.
The incident congestive heart: For those that do not weakened heart function blood supply to the organs in the body, the heart may be overworked, wane. Due to insufficient blood flow to congestion phenomena arising within the tissues of the body including the heart. Therefore, in people with this disease, the hands and feet, knee swelling.
- Treatment: To date there is no specific therapy for diseases of the above, temporary solution is often used analgesics, diuretics, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE) or surgery Percutaneous coronary angioplasty ...
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