
Three treatments for coronary artery disease

Coronary heart disease (CHD Coronary Heart Disease) is a matter of public health importance in developing countries, representing leading causes of death. Currently there are three treatments for coronary artery disease: Medical treatment, treatment intervention and treatment of coronary artery bypass surgery coronary artery.
Medical treatment (medication)
1. Treatment of the risk factors of coronary artery disease did not progress to more severe disease: treatment of hypertension, dyslipidemia treatment, treatment of diabetes, quit smoking, reduce weight gain ideal weight, lifestyle changes ...
 2. Preventive treatment acute myocardial infarction: the use of drugs to prevent platelet coagulation coronary embolization: Aspirin, Clopidogrel ...  3. Treatment with anti-angina drugs is also a vasodilator therapy for coronary artery disease effectively.  Treatment of coronary intervention (angioplasty large artery, scaffolds placed inside the coronary arteries)  1. For the case of chest pain due to myocardial ischemia, but little or no response to medical treatment.  2. For the case of unstable angina or acute myocardial infarction.  Surgical treatment of coronary artery bypass  1. For the case of coronary vulnerable persons, lasting damage ... for cases that can not be coronary intervention.  2. This is a major surgery, use of other blood vessels of the patient him- or herself to make a bridge over the site of coronary artery stenosis.  In addition to the treatment of coronary artery disease mentioned above, people with coronary artery disease also need to pay attention to lifestyle, their daily nutrition. The following tips will be useful for patients at the coronary arteries. 
Dùng thuốc là một phương pháp điều trị bệnh động mạch vành.

Rau quả và trái cây cũng tốt cho người bị bệnh động mạch vành.
Experts have confirmed smokers are leading risk factors for coronary artery disease. It was found that smoking does not hurt the film in the arteries that are born nicotine causes increased heart rate and blood pressure, increased oxygen demand of the heart muscle. The carbon-oxygen generated by cigarette smoking reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of blood.
In addition there is also the birthplace of free radicals, increased adhesion of platelets and reduced high-density lipoproteins
Nutritional factors are concerned when they noticed much in the Mediterranean, such as Italy, Greece is a heavy smoker, but the incidence of coronary artery disease did not increase. Many authors suggest that this is due to the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet is usually high in the water.
Blood Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a substance that has many biological functions important parts, one part is synthesized in the body, partly because of the food supply.
Chế độ ăn giảm chất béo cũng cần thiết cho bệnh nhân động mạch vành
The amount of cholesterol in the diet may affect serum cholesterol, although this effect is less than the effect of saturated fatty acids. Because of cholesterol in the diet contributes to the risk of coronary artery disease, most experts recommend that dietary cholesterol should be below 300 mg average / day / person.
Cholesterol is only found in foods of animal origin, especially the brain (2500mg%), rugby (5000mg%), heart (2100mg%), egg yolk (2000mg%), thus limiting these foods contribute reduce the amount of cholesterol in the diet.
Over 10 years of follow-up found that mortality due to coronary heart disease increased significantly increase the rate of saturated fatty acids in the diet. Saturated fatty acids found in animal fats, vegetable oils are generally rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Thus a reduced fat diet animals,increasing vegetable oil, eat less meat, fish increase is beneficial for people with metabolic disorders cholesterol is also a method of treatment of coronary artery disease.  A diet rich in vegetables and fruits have shown a protective effect on the body with coronary artery disease is not clear yet. Maybe it is due to the effect of fiber found in fruits and vegetables, can also be a vegetable diet will reduce blood pressure, a risk factor of coronary artery disease.
Generally these measures include advice on nutrition, smoking cessation, physical activity and maintain a stable weight. In the dining recommendations, we recommend that the energy provided by fat should not exceed 30% of total energy use vegetable oil, increased use of potatoes, vegetables and fruits. The sweet sugar does not provide more than 10% of energy from protein energy also should reach 10-15%.

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