
All drugs used to treat cardiovascular disease turtle


        According to Oriental medicine, coronary artery disease is one of the reasons: no blood circulation and cause pain and injury. Is allowed to cure blood circulation.    According to Western medicine, chest pain due to heart the heart muscle does not get the oxygen supply because of coronary artery blockage was not informed by any cause contraction, excess fat, blood clots, ... The treatment is against coronary artery spasm or taking drugs to break up blood clots to prevent myocardial infarction.
     In 2 years from 1995 to 1996, I suffered three heart attacks to 3 times and treatment at the emergency hospital of the province. There acquaintance in Phu My visit and tips for all drugs. My dad used and the disease has been in remission ever since. Now health is normal, he was 80 years old.
Over the fact that my father's healing and help to many other people with cardiovascular disease remission or stopped, write down what I know about this medicine as a shared experience for your reference .      
1 / Description:  
      * Turtle: the reptiles, amphibians, often living and hiding places with dry leaves items, rocks, tree hollows beside streams in the mountains or in the field, and coastal wetlands so-called mountain tortoise or turtle co. Turtles have many types of turtle cloud, turtle pillow, star tortoise, turtle rock, box turtles, tortoises gold ... according to distinguish skin color, shape, pattern on tortoise shells. In general, what kind of turtle is also used in medicine are also good choices. However, to distinguish other turtles with turtles in the purchase and use as drugs. Three tripod without nails and fingers like turtles.   Mai baba soft, glossy black nor a crawl pattern (see photo).
This type of box turtles - live this kind of terrestrial turtles, along the stream
or where the item damp leaves on the mountain. This turtle is very good medicinal - Photo: Pretty Flowers
* Dodder (rabbits company behind): A type of vines without leaves, stems and pieces as long rope attached to a tree lived another, often in places hilly, steep, wild bushes. Wires are usually gold and green. Dodder with slime.
* Tree Alexandrine: A creeper, live in hilly, steep or rising edge of the bamboo groves ... Stems porous and rough as wire rope secret vote; Dark green leaves with multiple peaks (peaks 3-7 leaves); Trumpet-shaped flowers, with 5 wings white, pale yellow stigma closed. Young fruit is green, the old white chalk, felt to yellow and red when ripe, very bright, big as a thumb, no taste and viscosity (hello crested bird liked this fruit).
2 / Materials for once cooked with turtles:
Turtle: 1 child weighs 5-9 ounces. Dodder is a bunch of long enough force (wrap) all turtles. Alexandrine trees (stems and roots were sliced ​​into small slices) from o, 5-1 ounces. Lotus seed coat and heart intact (bud); Rice, beans (green, black, red) are each a handful. White wines from 10-15 ml.
3 / Preparation:
       -   Mix rice, lotus seeds, beans (tentatively called raw) washed and soaked for 30 minutes before nine turtles to cook more quickly.
       -   Brass turtles in cold water, brush clean the dirt on the shell, legs, neck turtles.
       -     Boil Boiling water available.
       -     Wash noose and Alexandrine tree.
      -     For wine into cups with big mouth to catch more turtles.
4 / Proceed as:
         Use the new aluminum plants (seedlings knit sweater) as the hook bend, bouncing fraud mandibular turtleneck pulled out tomorrow, using two thumb and forefinger snapped behind on tortoise shell, turtle back to stock and secure. Place the cup beneath available, use a knife to cut the throat between turtles (like so exorbitant poultry), then upside down turtle tail up so that the blood will flow down to cut out the cup.
          Stir and drink more wine ½ turtle with remaining ½   then mixed with honey turtles to drink (remember to add a little wine or liquor closed to non-volatile, otherwise the wine will be more crowded). Alcohol effects fishy deodorant, anti-freezing weather and derivatives to be faster in the body. Strengthen blood for more turtles.                                     
        - For turtles into the pot of boiling water, soak them and then take out, clean nails and peel the outer skin layer. Note not rinse with cold water, cold water for washing the turtle will fishy.
        - Use a knife split the two sides separated tortoise shell and turtle plastron. Use a thin knife slitting and snake meat along coveralls, overalls and a cup tomorrow.
        Where the separation of the canal to get there. Separation overalls finished, clean the pot (do not rinse turtles anymore). Use two fingers from side moi extract innards out turtles, careful clever turtle break confidentiality.
      -   Using a syringe drain bile from the gallbladder is located in the liver, harmony with remaining 1/2 more alcohol and drink more. And we took all the guts of the liver, heart, stomach ...   Particularly stomach to do and rinse with hot water. Then for all turtle's stomach with accessories. Get face-up overalls as time live turtles, using turtle noose tied to the cook, the materials in the belly turtle does not flow out.
      -   For turtles into the pot (aluminum pan, stainless steel ...), pour water on the turtle. Alexandrine plant cook with turtles. Cooking with charcoal fire, between 2- 4 hours. Note cooking keeps the turtle cross the water level, by adding hot water to the pot magnet. (Alternatively: continental dishes and cooking water plant dodder before by another pot before 15 minutes, then filtered water that poured into the cooking pot to cook with 2 turtles. This is a quick and clean, but a bit expensive materials Using multiple materials and pans).
- Remove the turtle out, cut wire. And raw meat mixed with water is cooked, add spices and mashed into a porridge to eat. And tomorrow, bibs and noose to get water into the cooker.
       Each week a child, continued for 3 weeks. Then from 1-2 months to eat. Best to use from 3 to 5 children is enough.
       Turtle breeding in captivity at home by dark and damp places such hidden corner bath, kitchen corner, next to the well ... and for turtles eat banana, papaya, tomato, vegetable, fish and meat ... Turtle live well.

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