
The cause unexpected heart disease

Many studies and clinical tests have shown that, in life there are many risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as smoking, obesity, physical inactivity, high blood pressure, diabetes ... Yet , the usual elements are still present around us, can cause symptoms or aggravate the condition of the disease.
Loosening Chemicals: Chemicals are now being used a lot in the paint industry or manipulated appliances, because some of its advantages is to make things clean and free from dirt, while more favorable use.
A study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine by scientists at the University of West Virginia Public Health has shown a link between heart disease and chemical perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), also known as C8, a chemical commonly used to dye fabrics, made-stick pans ... Earlier this material scientists have been advised to contact the least restrictive because it can cause infertility, cancer, increased cholesterol levels. If detection of PFOA appear in the composition of the blood, it will make us double the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Weather change: global warming by the greenhouse effect caused adverse impacts to the environment. Therefore, the complications of heart disease and stroke is increasing worldwide. The air temperature is high facilitate the formation of PM2.5 particles and will make these particles trapped deep in the lungs. They can move freely in the blood vessels, forming the artery-clogging plaque should easily occur a heart attack and stroke. In addition, traffic fumes polluting the environment can also affect heart disease. Because airborne particles PM2.5 of 10 micrograms per cubic meter rise in the air, the rate of premature deaths due to heart will rise 20%.
Antibacterial soap: Triclosan, an antibacterial component has most of the products, lipsticks, lotions and antibacterial soap in the US (75%), it is very harmful for the body and heart. Scientists at the University of California, said triclosan impede the quality of the activities in which the heart muscle. The function of the heart will be reduced by about 25% within 20 minutes of exposure to triclosan. And if you are having a heart attack, the attack should take precautions with this material as it can cause unexpected consequences for the cardiovascular system.
Tinned: Chemical Bisphenol A or BPA has long been known that substances that can cause breast cancer, ADHD issues for girls, obesity and infertility. A study conducted in 2011 in the journal PLoS ONE shows just one small dose levels of BPA can lead to cardiac arrhythmias, may even die of a heart attack attack unusual.
Seafood: The seafood gives us great nutrition. In particular, omega-3 has a lot of fish and can prevent the risk of heart disease. However, a group of researchers at Syracuse University (USA) has issued a warning to eat seafood, they discovered today mercury contaminated seafood too much, increasing the mental illness and cardiovascular. Agency US Geological Survey said, now everyone should be careful when eating certain species of freshwater fish, because it contains mercury pollution is higher than sea fishing.

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