
The risk factors leading to cardiovascular disease

According to the World Health Organization, every year more than 17 million people die of cardiovascular disease. This figure shows that the prevalence of heart disease, the most common of which is high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and stroke.

Cardiovascular disease has many forms, and so there are many risk factors leading to heart disease were divided into two groups. The first group are the risk factors can not be changed, such as age, gender, genetic predisposition, the second group are the risk factors may change as routines, athletes ... Understanding Risk factors will help you prevent heart disease best

These risk factors can not be changed:


In general, men are at risk of heart attack than women. However, in women at menopause, the risk will be higher, and after age 65, the risk of cardiovascular disease in men and women alike.


If there is a family history of cardiovascular disease, such as a parent or sibling of you have ever had heart problems before age 55, you will have the risk of cardiovascular disease than normal. Besides the risk factors leading to cardiovascular risk such as high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity can also genetic.


Old age is one of the risk factors of cardiovascular disease. The older, the heart's activity as inefficient. Members heart thickening, hardening of the arteries that pump blood to the process becomes difficult, which is why the risk of cardiovascular disease increases with age.

These risk factors can be changed:

Obesity and overweight

The overweight will contribute to the increase in total blood cholesterol levels, and brings the risk of high blood pressure and coronary artery disease. If at the level of obesity, cholesterol levels will skyrocket, especially high blood pressure and leads to diabetes. In many cases, obesity is responsible for most of the associated diseases, including cardiovascular disease mostly. We can say obesity is a risk factor brings many risk factors that can cause cardiovascular disease.

Tobacco Addiction

Most people know that smoking increases the risk of lung cancer, but few realize it also significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Studies show that smoking increases heart rate, tighten the arteries and cause the abnormal heart rhythm, which can lead to cardiac arrhythmias of the heart ... that activity becomes less effective and harder. Smoking also increases blood pressure and increased risk of stroke in people who already have high blood pressure.

In addition to nicotine and other chemicals such as carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke is also harmful for the heart. These substances lead to plaque buildup in the arteries, affecting the level of cholesterol and fibrinogen - a blood clotting factor, which causes increased risk of blood clots and can lead to heart attack.

Lack of physical activity

The sedentary or have little chance of physical activity are at risk of developing heart disease than those who regularly exercise. The activity and exercise will burn calories, help control cholesterol levels and diabetes also can lower blood pressure. Exercise also strengthen the heart muscles supple and makes the arteries more flexible. Those who actively burn 500-3500 calories per week by exercise or other forms of transport east tend to live longer than those who did not exercise. Even the exercise with medium intensity but steadily and often also very useful.


High blood pressure leads to the risk of heart attack and stroke. If incorporates both obese, smokers and high cholesterol, the risk of heart disease or stroke will increase significantly.
Blood pressure can vary depending on operating conditions and age, but basically, only in adult blood pressure at rest should at 120/80.

High blood cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fatty substance analogs available in the blood. The liver production of cholesterol to form cell membranes and some hormones make certain. In addition to the cholesterol, the body also receive an additional cholesterol from the foods are tolerated, most of these foods of animal origin such as meat, eggs, dairy products ...

Although we often blame the cholesterol in the food index makes blood cholesterol increased, but the real culprit is the saturated fats in food. Be careful at this point, because these foods contain no cholesterol, but still contain a large amount of saturated fat. These foods contain saturated fat foods are often sourced dairy and red meat.

The saturated fat increases the amount of "bad" cholesterol (LDL), create plaque on artery walls and begin the process of atherosclerosis. When plaque builds up in the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart, heart attack risk will increase.


An estimated 65% of people with diabetes die from heart disease. Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Part of the reason is because diabetes affects cholesterol and triglycerides, in addition to people with diabetes may also have high blood pressure and obesity enclosed, so the risk is also higher.

It is possible that the majority of causes of cardiovascular disease belongs to the group of risk factors can be changed. Therefore, to maintain a healthy heart her today you do the diet and healthy lifestyle and regular health check regularly for early detection of the disease, if any. Give up the deadly habit such as smoking, drinking a lot. Are you healthy heart means you have eliminated the genetic risk factors of the next generation.

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