
Expression of cardiovascular disease

Early detection of expression of cardiovascular b ENH very important role to help prevent or reduce its deadly complications. At the same time also gives us the opportunity to have access to early methods new treatments to achieve the best therapeutic results. Here is the expression should be noted.
Structure of the heart
the structure of the heart
Shortness of breath
Shortness of breath due to heart disease usually occurs when the pumping ability of the heart is impaired or there are obstacles to blood flow from the heart into the blood vessels. When the pumping capacity of the heart is reduced will cause shortness of breath due to blood stasis and services, which leads to an increase in blood pressure in the lungs causing leakage translated into the alveoli (tiny air sacs in the lungs).
Shortness of breath sudden nocturnal dyspnea is fit to appear a few hours after you go to sleep, as a result of fluid accumulation in the legs penetrate the day we returned to the bloodstream when you rest at night. This phenomenon increases the burden on the heart and blood pressure in the lungs causing shortness of breath attacks.
Chest pain
Myocardial infarction or unstable angina occurs when one of the branches of the coronary arteries were completely or nearly fill the rules completely. Chest pain and myocardial infarction in nature like angina but more prolonged (> 20 minutes) and no relief when we rest and while some patients taking vasodilators. Except for a few cases of myocardial infarction "silent" that does not cause chest pain, chest pain generally in myocardial infarction is often intense and often accompanied by nausea, chills, sweating and conditions Status very anxious. This is an emergency should be concerned and take action promptly.
Pericarditis is a further cause chest pain. The heart and lungs are surrounded by a double membrane, normally thin as cellophane. Pericarditis is the inflammation mitral membrane, thickening and rubbing against each other when the heart beats chest pain. Pericarditis is usually caused by viruses, especially group called Coxsackie virus.
Cardiac chest pain may be caused by some other reasons such as: heart valve disease is especially narrow or aortic valve insufficiency.
Functional chest pain or chest pain caused by psychological causes is sometimes very difficult to determine because of the fact in some cases additional costs associated pathology real. A study was conducted on middle-aged women with chest pain but no manifestation of coronary artery stenosis showed a hormonal imbalance is one of the causes of pain.
Rapid and irregular heartbeat, known as arrhythmia, can occur in healthy people but can also be a manifestation of cardiovascular disease suggests. Rapid heartbeat appear unrelated to exertion often called by the disorder paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia or paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, the medical term used to indicate tachycardia can be derived from the chamber on the heart, called the atria. Now can you still feel normal except feeling palpitations. These episodes of supraventricular tachycardia and usually does not last long if they lasted several minutes, then you should go see a doctor.
The most dangerous phenomenon is called ventricular tachycardia, often in people with heart disease really. Tachycardia originates from the lower chambers of the heart, blood pumping function called ventricles. The abnormally rapid heart was very tired and shortness of breath due to the amount of blood the heart pumps go feed the body deteriorated significantly.
Cardiovascular disease is most often caused fainting rhythm disorders such as obstructive atrioventricular (heart beating steadily due to nerve signals are transmitted smoothly from the atria to the ventricles, congestion atrioventricular conduction when this Interrupted). At that time the heart beats very slowly, incapable of carrying blood and oxygen to feed the brain. Conversely, for some reason when the heart beats too fast (more than 150 times in a minute), the ability of the heart to pump blood to the brain is reduced can also cause fainting.
If only a faint (loss of consciousness), leave immediately clear where the patient is located, extended clothing, can lift up to 2 feet enhance patient blood to the heart and brain need to be able to track the emergency recovery Birth cardiopulmonary even if patients switch to stop the circulation status.
In essence swelling due to water drainage from the intravascular administration to stagnant at around intercellular edema. Therefore, actual compliance is often detected at the position on the bone or tissue where loose. In cardiovascular disease, for any reason that the circulatory system veins in stasis (often due to right heart failure) increases the pressure in the vein, causing the phenomenon of water in the veins out stagnant intercellular edema. Some cases of venous edema as well, but here is the front line corresponding local venous obstruction.
Purple central venous blood and the arterial blood was mixed together right in the heart by a flow of congenital heart between the left and right heart defects or genetic make up a common chamber (blood arteries bright red blood was oxygenated by intravenous crimson has given oxygen by the body). Purple central and may be due to lung disease is progressing as emphysema prevents oxygen in arterial blood.
Peripheral Purple Purple is often due to the form of circulatory stasis or poor gas exchange.
In fact, we are relatively easy to distinguish the two types of purple on the signs of our past. Purple peripheral usually occurs in areas exposed skin such as fingers, chin, nose and lips. While the central purple appeared around conjunctival mucosa in the throat and tongue.
Fatigue in people with cardiovascular disease may also be caused by drugs, about 10% of those taking antihypertensive treatment complained of feeling tired increased.
Many other physical illnesses causing fatigue include anemia and chronic diseases such as thyroid depression, diabetes and lung disease ...
If you feel tired from waking up to the end of the day with an almost constant level, the cause is probably due to a mental disorder rather than heart disease, most commonly depression.
chart heartbeat

Signs go way back
Acute Code:
The expression levels of peripheral arterial occlusion (especially the lower limb arteries) described the classic syndrome is one of the "P" (in English):
Painess - Sudden expenses clogged. Pain can occur on a spending had symptoms of claudication earlier or not. The pain can be so intense and continuous, Pallor - pale limb arteries nourish, Pulseless - take the costs clogged artery. In the case of abdominal aortic occlusion or iliac arteries origin, it takes both sides circuit, Paralysis - the limb paralysis embolism. Lesser extent the weak side limb arteries. When clogged abdominal aorta can cause paralysis of the lower extremities both 2, Poikilothermia - cold side limb occlusion. If clogged the abdominal aorta, the two lower limbs were cold all over.
Chronic obstruction:
In severe cases, the pain may persist even when the rest, appear in the distal part of the limb, which can occur during sleep and to reduce pain patients often have to foot free-hanging outside the bed or chair.
In many cases patients can only sign claudication detailed examination was normal. However, as the disease progresses, you can see the following signs:
- Circuit parties affected limb arteries weaker or may take in some locations.
- The chronic limb embolism usually smaller, dry skin, nails and hair underdeveloped, desquamation and may not be colder than the costs artery disease.
In severe cases, may show signs of ulcers, gangrene of the far pole (the extremities, heel). The ulcerative lesions or infections particularly prone to trauma patients.

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