
The cause of cardiovascular disease unexpected

After midnight asleep
Whether you maintain 7 hours of sleep every day but only to sleep after midnight will cause the risk of cardiovascular disease increases.
Japanese researchers have discovered, men have a habit of going to bed after midnight at risk of artery hardening significantly higher. This is because people have a habit of sleeping late are often subjected to great pressure of work, jobs anathema night eating habits or unhealthy (or drink alcohol, smoke, like foods containing sugar and high fat). These factors are not beneficial for cardiovascular health.
"Love" indiscriminate
The Italian study showed that married men do it indiscriminately if there is a risk of cardiovascular disease increases. One reason is that these people have no family life fullness, depression appear, making the risk of cardiovascular disease increases. In contrast, family life fulfillment, happiness will be very beneficial for cardiovascular health of men.
Less water white
The US researchers have investigated more than two thousand healthy people, both men and women. Results showed that those who drank every day about 2 cups of water are at risk of dying of cardiovascular diseases associated with higher than those drinking 5 glasses of water per day.
The researchers also said that, basically, not drinking enough water is also harmful to heart health is equivalent to smoking, and lack of exercise.
The cause of cardiovascular disease unexpected
Early Menopause
US study shows that women with menopausal phenomena appear soon likely to develop heart disease than the old. According to experts, gynecology, menopause in women who average 51 years of age. The phenomenon of early menopause to reduce estrogen levels, substance protects cardiovascular health.
No flu shot
From November last year to January next year are higher cardiovascular season. This time is winter, so the resistance decreases, the body susceptible to many diseases of inflammation also increases with ease. Flu vaccination will be effective in reducing the possibility of the effects of cardiovascular disease. Also, due to cold winter weather, often artery contraction, as increased blood pressure, heart disease prone.
Do not take measures to protect the love
According to Canadian researchers, a bacterium transmitted love can also cause heart disease in both men and women. This bacterium causes the immune system is weakened, causing the inflammation, thereby hardening of the arteries, causing heart disease.
A growing number of studies indicate that inflammation in the body can cause heart disease, as well as cancer.
Live Alone
According to Danish researchers, who lives alone with cardiovascular disease risk quadrupled compared with those who live with you. Results of the data analysis of 13 800 adults showed that women over 60 and men over 50 years old if he would live 1-risk of cardiovascular disease increases. Cause the living habits of their first live unhealthy and moderation, diet malnutrition.

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